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北欧と日本の食文化 Food culture of Nordic and Japan

北欧も日本も長寿大国! Both Nordic and Japan are longevity powers.

北欧も日本も長寿大国! Both Nordic and Japan are longevity powers.




Both Nordic and Japan are longevity powers.
The secret to longevity in Japan is Japanese food, but one of the characteristics of Nordic food culture is that you eat fish and shellfish well.

The Nordic region surrounded by the sea also has a thriving fishing industry, and the fish that can be caught include salmon, flatfish-like halibut, herring, cod, shrimp, crayfish, crab, and lobster.

Fish are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, high protein, low fat, astaxanthin and the diet created the human body and culture.

"北欧風わたしの暮らし/ Nordic style of my life"

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