アウトドアライフが子供たちを育てる Outdoor life nurture children

スウェーデンでは、子供たちのアウトドア遊びの一つとして、森で気に入った木を探すゲーム があります
ゲームをしながら子どもたちは木の根や、地面の起伏に気がつきます、木の幹の冷たさやでこぼこ、肌で感じる自然が新しい発見につながります、 また森に行ったときに木肌の様子を観察して、小さい身体の中に大きな好奇心を育てていきます、自然の中で、子どもたちの想像、学び、SDGsを育びます
In Sweden, one of the children's outdoor activities is a game to find a tree you like in the forest. When a teacher shouts, looking for a tree-changing the tree-Children run around at a glance, looking for new trees they like and hugging them.
Children playing games Tree roots, notice the undulations of the ground, the coldness of the tree trunk, the bumps, the nature you feel on your skin, it will lead to new discoveries.
Also, when they went to the forest, they observed the appearance of the bark.
They will develop great curiosity in a small body, and nurture children's imagination, learning and SDGs in nature.
Why don't you go to the park with nearby trees and streams with your children and enjoy your precious time while decorating your table with a cute cloth for lunch or tea time?
by "北欧風わたしの暮らし/ Nordic style of my life"
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