父の日のプレゼント Gift for Father's day

昔イギリスの人たちは「黄色は魔除けの色」と信じていました。 黄色は大事な人を守るという意味で、プレゼントには黄色いリボンが付けられるようになりました、子どもたちは、手紙を書いたり、手作りのプレゼントを用意したり。 あなたは父の日には何を送りますか?
Father's Day is June in Japan, but in many Nordic countries it is in November, and did you know that the theme color for Father's Day is "yellow"? It used to be believed in England that "yellow is a talisman color". Yellow means a color that protects the happiness of loved ones, and gifts are now attached by a yellow ribbon. Children write letters and prepare handmade gifts. What do you send on Father's Day? Why don't you give a Nordic pattern square cloth as a gift? it is very handsome when Dad has an eco bag made by Furoshiki.
by "北欧風わたしの暮らし/ Nordic style of my life"
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