わくわくする蚤の市 Exciting loppis

Exciting loppis (flea market)
The flea market is "Loppis" in Swedish.
Loppis is held in various places in summer. The scenery that both sellers and buyers enjoy is a Swedish summer tradition. At Loppis you have the chance to meet bargains.
今週、4月8-10日立川で立川ロッピス・青空の北欧市場 が開催されます、楽しみですね
This week, Tachikawa Loppis, Scandinavian open-air market, will be held in Tachikawa on April 8-10, I'm looking forward to it.
イベント蚤の市のURL: https://greensprings.jp/event/
by "北欧風わたしの暮らし/ Nordic style of my life"